TPP Data Update: Philadelphia and New York City

For the data corner in this quarter’s newsletter, we share early findings from the first few months of data collected from the Thriving Providers Project (TPP) replication sites in New York City and Philadelphia, which were added in 2024. First, to provide some context, the 36 TPP participants in our evaluation sample in Philadelphia identify […]
Direct Cash Payments to Child Care Providers Help Them Keep Their Doors Open, So Philadelphia Kids Get Care, and Families Can Go to Work

Author: Anne Vilen Child care businesses, especially the licensed family child care homes that hundreds of Philadelphia families depend on for regular child care so that they can go to work, operate on the thinnest of financial margins. From month to month, after the expenses of mortgage or rent, insurance, utilities, quality learning materials, cleaning […]
Principales enseñanzas de la primera implementación completa del TPP: anuncio del informe de 18 meses del TPP en Colorado

By: Lamisa Mustafa, MPP and Callie Silver, PhD, Stanford Center on Early Childhood Two years ago, Home Grown launched the Thriving Providers Project (TPP) to uplift home-based child care (HBCC) providers and engender policy shifts around stable, increased compensation for this essential, yet underpaid workforce. We are thrilled that the first pilot of this direct […]
Thriving Providers Project Final 18-Month Evaluation Report

The Thriving Providers Project (TPP) 18-month Evaluation Report produced in collaboration with Stanford Center on Early Childhood (SCEC), Impact Charitable and Home Grown, provides information on the background and origin of TPP, the initiative’s Theory of Impact, methodology including research design and participant details, quantitative and qualitative findings organized by the Theory of Impact for […]
Request For Proposals: Implementation Partner for the Thriving Providers Project in Los Angeles County, CA

Home Grown, in partnership with the Los Angeles County Children and Families First – Proposition 10 Commission (aka First 5 LA), is soliciting proposals from organizations to implement the Thriving Providers Project (TPP) in Los Angeles (LA) County, California. Learn more.
TPP One Year Later – A Look at the Data

By: Dr. Callie Silver, Stanford Center on Early Childhood November 2023 marked the one-year anniversary for both implementation cohorts of the Thriving Providers Project (TPP) in Colorado. The first pilot of this national initiative began in Colorado with 100 home-based child care providers throughout the state receiving $500 monthly for 18 months, in addition to psychological […]
REPORT: Celebrating One Year of Thriving Providers Project Learnings in Colorado

The Stanford Center on Early Childhood (SCEC), the home of RAPID, partnered with Home Grown to evaluate and continuously learn about Thriving Providers Project and the experiences of home-based child care participants. The SCEC used a longitudinal, mixed-methods, rapid-cycle approach to evaluate TPP, gathering data from TPP participants, parents/caregivers, and community-based organization staff and comparing […]
New Federal Rule Overhauls the Outdated Provider Payment and Family Access Policies in the Child Care Development Fund

The Thriving Providers Project (TPP) is focused on improving both the sufficiency and stability of income for home-based child care providers. We know that when providers’ economic stability is secured, they can engage in caregiving work that promotes quality, ensures family access and connects them to the profession for the long term. We are thrilled […]
Thriving Providers Project Benefits Protection Toolkit

Home Grown, in partnership with Impact Charitable and KD Strategic Advocacy & Consulting, has developed a detailed toolkit to help users develop a benefits protection strategy for their Direct Cash Transfer programs. This toolkit will be best used at the early stages of the program design process for any new pilot or program, as the timelines to […]
Understanding and Expanding Benefits as a Strategy to Improve Home-based Child Care Workforce Compensation

The expiration of child care stabilization funds at the end of September has dominated news cycles for weeks and recently the Biden administration has requested $16 billion in additional funding for child care from Congress. The issue at the forefront of Home Grown’s concern is: How do we maintain access to child care for families […]