Thriving Providers Project Final 18-Month Evaluation Report

August 6, 2024

The Thriving Providers Project (TPP) 18-month Evaluation Report produced in collaboration with Stanford Center on Early Childhood (SCEC), Impact Charitable and Home Grown, provides information on the background and origin of TPP, the initiative’s Theory of Impact, methodology including research design and participant details, quantitative and qualitative findings organized by the Theory of Impact for the full 18-months of TPP implementation in Colorado, and a conclusion with lessons learned for future TPP implementation sites, key research takeaways, and policy recommendations. The evaluation points to the notable potential for temporary direct cash transfers to increase home-based child care providers’ financial and psychological well-being, as well as the urgent need for systemic, sustainable solutions for improving HBCC provider compensation and payment mechanisms to foster long-term workforce stability and strength.