Thriving Providers Project: What We Have Learned So Far

Innovative programs require innovative evaluation approaches. Stanford Center on Early Childhood’s (SCEC) belief in that is why we are so excited to work with Home Grown on the Thriving Providers Project (TPP). Given that this is the first direct cash transfer program in the United States focused exclusively on home-based child care providers, the primary […]

Thriving Provider’s Project Spotlight: Olivia’s Journey (English)

Olivia is a child care provider based in Colorado with a passion for helping others. When she moved to the U.S. from Mexico over eight years ago, she knew caring for children would be her life’s work, despite the barriers around equitable wages. She began providing care for the children in her community so their […]

Thriving Providers Project In the Spotlight

Home Grown’s Thriving Providers Project (TPP) is garnering national attention. Launched this summer in Colorado and coming soon in Nashville, Tennessee and other communities, TPP will send monthly, unconditional cash payments to home-based providers for at least one year. This project hopes to inform early childhood payment system policy reforms at the local and national level by […]